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Publications (février)

– Jean Baubérot, Micheline Milot, Philippe Portier (dirs), Laïcité, laïcités. Reconfigurations et  nouveaux défis (Collection 54), Fondation MSH , 2015.


– Grace Davie, Religion in Britain: A Persistent Paradox, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

– Elisabeth Parmentier, Alain Roy (dir.), Croire hors les murs (Théologie Pratique – Pédagogie – Spiritualité), Berlin, Litt, 2014.


– François Foret, Religion and Politics in the European Union. The Secular Canopy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics), 2015.

– Massimo Rosati, The Making of a Postsecular Society: A Durkheimian Approach to Memory, Pluralism and Religion in Turkey, London, Ashgate (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory), 2015.


– Michael Többens, Schleichende Islamisierung? Religionsfreiheit versus Religionsausübungsfreiheit in Europa (Publications Universitaires Européennes 949), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main / New York, 2015.

Recherche post doctorale l’UE et les religions

L’Université libre de Bruxelles ouvre un appel à candidature pour une recherche post-doctorale en études européennes et politiques des religions. DDLC 10 novembre 2014.

“Importing God, exporting secularism? How the European Union deals with religion”
The European Union is commonly presented as an exceptionally “godless” part of a world where religion still matters very much. However, under external pressures (from diplomatic crises to migrations), the EU would have to take religion back in by entering a post-secular era. The project aims at discussing these assumptions. The purpose is to see whether the resurgence of religion on the European agenda is internally- or externally-driven, what are its incentives and outcomes. Three working packages investigate the notion of European secularism; and how this European secularism is challenged from outside and within two EU policy sectors, foreign affairs and immigration.
Workloads linked to the post-doctoral mandate will include various contributions to the project, among others: state of the art of the debate about European secularism and « multiple modernities »; organizational analysis of political and policy structures of the EU dealing with migration and foreign affairs; interviews with civil servants, political representatives and members of civil society; management of online surveys; supervision of parliamentary debates and qualitative case studies.

The post-doc will be considered as a full member of the team and will co-sign some publications in peer-reviewed supports. He/she will have to fulfill the requirements but will also have opportunities for self-development in order to prepare subsequent steps in a scientific career. Teaching on related topics may be part of the duties. Management and communication tasks are also included.
Working environment and conditions
The research will be developed at the Centre d’étude de la vie politique (CEVIPOL), the main research unit in political science of the ULB, and at the Institut d’études européennes (IEE), one of the oldest Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence in Europe. It will rely on a supportive interdisciplinary environment made of political scientists, internationalists, lawyers and historians working on European integration and interactions between religion and politics.
The post-doc will evolve in a dynamic international network of collaboration with other universities (Cambridge, Georgetown, Geneva…). Travels and short research stays may be included in the activities.
The hired person will have an office and relevant resources at the ULB. Living in Brussels is required.
According to FNRS rules, the applicant must:
– have received his/her PhD in the last six years
– have spend no more than 24 months in the last 36 months in Belgium
According to the experience of the candidate, the monthly net salary will start from 2200 euros plus social security.
Your Profile:
➢ Ph.D. in political science or a directly related field (international relations, sociology…) with a focus on religion and politics and/or religious, identity and cultural aspects of European integration
➢ Proved expertise in EU politics
➢ Strong record in qualitative research and fieldwork (interviews, observation, documentary analysis…). Quantitative skills are an extra asset.
➢ Experience in working in an international environment
➢ Very good command of English and preferably French
➢ Ability to work in a team, to meet deadlines and to combine autonomy with respect of guidelines
➢ experience in teaching welcome
The candidate will be selected on the basis of the quality of his/her CV, research achievements, motivation and congruence with the project.
The following application documents are to be consolidated into a single PDF file sent per email to: Prof. François Foret (
➢ a one-page motivation letter explaining the candidate’s interest in collaborating to the project
➢ a curriculum vitae listing all academic qualifications, relevant research and teaching experience and previous publications
➢ name, mail and phone number of three referees to be contacted if necessary
➢ a copy of the passport/ID, PhD and master diploma
Due to special circumstances, the recruitment has to follow a “fast-track procedure”. Applications are welcome till 10/11/2014. The contract will start on 1/1/2015. A phone or face-to-face interview may be organized if necessary.