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Sujets sacrés troublants

AAC pour un collectif Sacred Troubling Topics in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an.

Sacred Troubling Topics in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an collection seeks to address topics overlooked, erased, romanticized, and ignored in academic as well as non-academic education and conversation related to collection sections of Gender & Sexuality, Body & Appearance, Women & Feminism, Death & Mourning, Life & Humor, Crime & Disobedience. At the moment, New Testament-focused articles are of special interest but others based on Hebrew Bible and Qur’an also invited. Journal length chapters will be peer reviewed by publisher. Contact Roberta Sabbath for questions, musings, and your proposal ideas. roberta.sabbath[a] DLC: 1er février résumé, CV et engagement d’écriture, 1er septembre: article complet.

Publications (octobre 2016)

• Jean-Louis Bianco, La France est-elle laïque, Paris, Editions de l’Atelier, 2016.

• Jean-Daniel Dubois, Lucie Kaennel, Renée Koch Piettre, Valentine Zuber (dir), Les sciences des religions en Europe, État des lieux, 2003 – 2016, Bulletin de la société des amis des sciences religieuses, Hors série n° 2, 2016.


• Michel Cuypers, The Composition of the Qur’an: Rhetorical Analysis, Bloomsbury, London, 2016.


• Isabelle de Gaulmyn, Histoire d’un silence. Pédophilie à Lyon : une catholique raconte, Paris, Seuil, 2016.

• Dominique Schnapper, Paul Salmona, Perrine Simon-Nahum (dir.), Réflexions sur l’antisémitisme, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2016.