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Pluralisme religieux en Europe

La Fondation grecque pour la politique européenne et étrangère ELIAMEP cherche un gestionnaire de projet pour travailler avec Effie Fokas à un projet de recherche financé par le Conseil Européen de la Recherche ‘Directions in Religious Pluralism in Europe: Examining Grassroots Mobilisations in Europe in the Shadow of European Court of Human Rights Religious Freedom Jurisprudence’. Date limite de candidature 20 janvier 2014.

The 5-year-long project begins 1 January 2014, and a project manager is required from approximately mid-February 2014.
The role as a Project Manager will entail amongst other things:
1. Assistance to Principal Investigator (PI) in preparation of project reports and editing of texts
2. Research assistance to PI (e.g., secondary literature collection)
3. Preparation for project meetings (including drafting meeting programs; venue arrangements; keeping and distributing meeting minutes)
4. Financial and administrative management and follow up of the project at the institutional and European level
5. Management of communication with project members and the project’s Advisory Board
6. Interview transcription
7. Website maintenance (training may be provided)
8. Efficient filing (electronic and print material)
9. Preparation of project pamphlets and of common texts to be used by the research team

1. Post-graduate degree at the Masters level (PhD degree may be an asset) in political science, law or sociology of religion.
Study/research experience in the areas of religion, law and human rights will be beneficial. (Exceptional applicants with bachelors or equivalent degree only will also be considered)
2. Project management experience, preferably with EU grants
3. Excellent written and oral communications skills in English and Greek

1. Proven communication and organisational skills
2. Strong IT skills (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, website management)
3. Sharp attention to detail
4. A demonstrated capacity for team work
5. Ability to work independently and to take initiative
6. An interest in the project aims and objectives will be beneficial

1.     The successful applicant will join a team of young and dynamic social scientists based in Athens and in the three other research locales (cities/towns in Italy, Romania and Turkey), and will engage with a very distinguished Advisory Board spanning Europe, in a project funded by a European funding scheme focused on research excellence and innovation
2. Enriching environment with opportunities for career development
3. Mentoring by PI in research methods and in dissemination of research results

1. Salary will vary based upon applicant’s experience
2. Starting date: mid-February 2014
3. Duration: Initial 6-month contract (or longer, depending on experience and skills), with the possibility of yearly renewal for an extra 4 years

Please submit your application electronically (including cover letter in English, CV, and the names and contact details of two references), with GRASSROOTSMOBILISE Project Manager in subject line, to:
Oral interviews will be conducted in English and Greek in Athens and possibly via telephone or skype in the short listing process.

Diversité de l’islam aujourd’hui

Departement of Religious Studies, anderbilt University ouvre un appel à contribution pour un projet de recherche Being Muslim: How Local Islam Overturns Narratives of Exceptionalism. Le premier appel concerne un atelier qui aura lieu les 26-29 septembre 2013 (date limite de candidature 22 avril 2013): Reconsidering the Non-Muslim Other: Internal and External Religious Differentiation” – the historical encounter of Islam with other religious, linguistic, and ethnic traditions up through the early modern period (roughly prior to 1750 ce).

Middle East Research Competition

la Fondation Ford a lancé le programme MERC en 1986, en tant qu’initiative de recherches en relations internationales et politiques comparatives visant à assister les chercheurs et étudiants des pays arabes et de la Turquie. Le septième cycle d’octroi de bourses de recherches vient d’être lancé; appel est fait aux chercheurs qualifiés et intéressés originaires des pays arabes ou de Turquie à soumettre leurs propositions. La date limite d’envoi des candidatures est fixée pour le 15 Avril 2009 – désolée, le délai est court, mais je viens d’apprendre l’information. Promis l’an prochain je fais mieux…

Les bibliothèques religieuses de la France médiévale

L’IRHT lance le projet Biblifram: Les bibliothèques, matrices et représentations des identités de la France médiévale (responsable: Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk). Ce projet associe l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (CNRS), le Département des Manuscrits de la BNF, l’UMR 5648 de Lyon (Histoire et archéologie des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux) et la Médiathèque de l’Agglomération troyenne. Il bénéficie d’une aide de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
L’un des chantiers de ce projet traite de “les communautés religieuses et leurs livres : lectures et constructions identitaires”. Il s’agit d’étudier la constitution et la diffusion de modèles bibliothéconomiques ou de textes choisis par des ordres religieux. Pour plus d’informations, consultez la page Biblifram.