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Publications (septembre 2021)

img-bookValérie Aubourg, Dieu Merci. Expressions catholiques africaines et créoles. Lyon : Libel, 2021

• Guillaume Cuchet, Le catholicisme a-t-il encore de l’avenir en France ? (La couleur des idées). Paris: Seuil, 2021.


Couverture Islamo-diversion

• Hocine Kerzazi, Islamo-diversion. Un quinquennat de casse sociale (Questions contemporaines), L’Harmattan, 2021.


• Jean-Pierre Filiu, Le milieu des mondes. Une histoire laïque du Moyen-Orient depuis 395. Paris: Seuil, 2021.


What Happens When We Practice Religion? – Textures of Devotion in Everyday Life - Princeton Scholarship Online• Robert J. Wuthnow, What Happens When We Practice Religion? Textures of Devotion in Everyday Life. Princeton University Press, 2020.

Publications (janvier 2016)

• Grace Davie, Religion in Britain: A Persistent Paradox. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.


• Régis Debray, Didier Leschi, La laïcité au quotidien. Guide pratique. Paris, Gallimard (Folio hors série 6093), 2016.


• Jérôme Fourquet, Sylvain Manternach,  Michel Wieviorka, L’an prochain à Jérusalem? Les Juifs de France face à l’antisémitisme, Paris, Fondation Jean Jaurès, 2016.


• Jérôme Fourquet, Gilles Finchelstein, Karim vote à gauche et son voisin vote FN. Sociologie électorale de l’« immigration », Paris, Fondation Jean Jaurès, 2015.

• Carolina Ivanescu, Islam and Secular Citizenship in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and France. London, Palgrave Macmillan (Religion and Global Migrations), 2016.


• David Koussens, L’épreuve de la neutralité. La laïcité française entre droits et discours (Droit et religion). Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2015.


• Salomon Malka, Victor Malka, Le grand desarroi. Enquête sur les juifs de France, Albin Michel, 2016.


• Petra Kuppinger, Faithfully Urban. Pious Muslims in a German City, Berghahn, 2015.

Pratique religieuse à l’Ecole, Royaume-Uni

Une journée d’étude présentera les conclusions du Research Network on Collective Worship, projet de recherche de deux ans de Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) sur la loi et la gestion de la pratique religieuse à l’école (Angleterre, Irlande du Nord, Pays de Galles, Ecosse): séminaire Worship and Religious Observance in Schools: An Evaluation of Law and Policy in the UK, University of Leicester, 13 November 2015 (s’inscrire auprès de


Le christianisme et les limites de la matérialité

Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Christianity and the Limits of Materiality, University of Turku (Finlande),  25-26 octobre 2014.

The relation between materiality and religion has quickly emerged as one of the core dimensions in the study of different religious traditions.
Religion and religiosity are understood to be closely intertwined with matter. Throughout times, also Christianity has manifested itself and has been manifested and lived out materially through objects, symbols, the body, and the environment. But what happens when such intertwinements fail? The purpose of this interdisciplinary seminar is to examine the limits of materiality in relation to Christianity at different times in history and within a variety of Christian traditions.
What happens, for instance, when a Catholic relic turns out to be powerless in spite of all expectations? In what kinds of situations are statues of Virgin Mary or Orthodox icons experienced as not ‘functioning’ or as failures? What does it mean to a member of a Pentecostal church when faith refuses to manifest itself as gifts of the Spirit? And what are the contexts in which the Bible becomes meaningless or prayers do not work? Where do the limits of materiality lie and how are they found to be or made meaningful or meaningless in different Christian traditions?
We invite proposals for papers on the theme of the limits of materiality in Christianity from researchers working in different disciplines such as the study of religion, history, arts studies, anthropology, ethnology, musicology, folklore studies, gender studies, archaeology, museology, and theology, to name but few. The papers may address e.g. the above mentioned topics such as objects and things, the body, environment, symbols and other semiotic manifestations of Christian religion and faith, and they should also in some way touch upon the issue of Christian views on the nature of materiality. Possible approaches include, but are not restricted to the following:
– contexts
– instability
– ambiguity
– change and transformations
– authenticity
– orthodoxy
– imagination
– public – private
– knowledge – emotions / senses
– theory – practice
– mediation, transmission
– aesthetics
The keynote speakers of the seminar are Professor David Morgan (Duke University, USA), Professor Jeffrey F. Hamburger (Harvard University, USA), Dr. Matthew Engelke (London School of Economics, UK) and Dr. Marleen de Witte (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Please submit your 200-word paper abstract together with your contact information to minna.opas(a) by May 5th, 2014. We will notify of the acceptance of abstracts by May 31st, 2014. The language of the seminar is English. The seminar fee is 40 euros covering coffees and lunches. In addition, you may participate to the seminar dinner, which costs 50 euros.
The seminar is organized by the Study of Christianity Roundtable group at the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies, University of Turku, Finland and the research project Materiality and Immateriality in Indigenous Amazonian Christianities funded by the Academy of Finland.

Publications – décembre 2013

– Mehdi Azaiez (dir.), Sabrina Mervin (coll.), Le Coran. Nouvelles approchesParis, CNRS éditions, 2013.

Everyday Lived Islam in Europe– Nathal M. Dessing, Nadia Jeldtoft, Jørgen S. Nielsen, Linda Woodhead (ed.), Everyday Lived Islam in Europe, Ashgate (Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series), 2014.
Sophie Guérard de Latour - Le multiculturalisme a-t-il un avenir ?.– Sophie Guérard de Latour (dir.), Le multiculturalisme a-t-il un avenir ?, Paris, Hermann (Philosophie, 2013.


– Constance Arminjon Hachem, Chiisme et État. Les clercs à l’épreuve de la modernité, Paris, CNRS Edition (Philosophie et histoire des idées), 2013.



– Ghaliya Djelloul, Parcours de féministes musulmanes belges. De l’engagement dans l’islam aux droits des femmes, L’Harmattan, 2013.

Musulmans en Angleterre

Le réseau de recherche Muslims in Britain ouvre un appel à contribution pour un panel ‘Showcasing Islamic Studies in the UK’ au colloque BRAIS, Université d’Edinburgh, 10-11 avril 2014.

The call for papers invites proposals concerning fieldwork-based research on any aspect of “Islam in UK institutions/organisations and everyday British Muslim religious lives”. Proposals are encouraged from researchers at all stages of their career including postgraduates and should be submitted to by *12 noon, Monday 9 December 2013*.  In your submission please include: 
– a 200-word abstract in Word format including a paper title
– short biography including details of your institutional affiliation and your e-mail address
Proposals will be assessed for their relevance to the call for papers, their clarity, rigour and timeliness. The hope is that MBRN will be in a position to submit a full panel proposal to BRAIS for consideration. This will comprise a session of 90 minutes, the most likely format for a session being 3-4 papers of 15-20 minutes plus time for Q&A.