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Publications (février)

• Maïtena Armagnague-Roucher, Une jeunesse turque en France et en Allemagne, Lormont, Le Bord de l’eau, coll. « Clair & Net », 2016.


• Amélie Barras, François Dermange, Sarah Nicolet, Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés libérales. Les nouveaux défis, Genève, Labor et Fides (Religions et modernités, 2015.


• Lori Beaman, Seteven Tomlins (dir.), Atheist Identities – Spaces and Social ContextsSpringer, 2015.


• James A. Beckford, Migration and Religion I (The International Library of Studies on Migration series). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016.


• Jean Birnbaum, Un silence religieux. La gauche face au djihadisme, Paris, Seuil 2016.



• Catherine Maurer et Catherine Vincent (dir.), La coexistence confessionnelle en France et en Europe germanique et orientale du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Lyon, LARHRA (Chrétiens et Sociétés – Documents et Mémoires 27), 2015.

Publications (octobre)

• Irene Becci, Olivier Roy (dir.), Religious Diversity in European Prisons. Challenges and Implications for Rehabilitation, Springer, 2015.

• Emmanuelle Bribosia, Isabelle Rorive (dir.), L’accommodement de la diversité religieuse. Regards croisés – Canada, Europe, Belgique, Berlin, Peter Lang (Études Canadiennes 29), 2015.

• Maria Diemling, Larry Ray (eds.), Boundaries, Identity and Belonging in Modern Judaism (Routledge Jewish Studies Series). London: Routledge 2016 (published September 2015).

• Jane Garnett, Sondra L. Hausner (dir.), Religion in Diaspora. Cultures of Citizenship, London, Palgrave Macmillan (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship), 2015.


• Nilüfer Göle, Islam and Secularity. The Future of Europe’s Public Sphere, Harrogate: Combined Academic Publishers, 2015.


• Delphine Horvilleur, Comment les rabbins font les enfants : sexe, transmission et identité dans le judaïsme, Grasset, 2015.

Social Compass

Le dernier numéro de Social Compass (2015,2) vient de paraître.

– Julia Martínez-Ariño, Gloria García-Romeral, Gemma Ubasart-González, and Mar Griera, “Demonopolisation and dislocation: (Re-)negotiating the place and role of religion in Spanish prisons”
– Tom Buchanan and Paige Gabriel, “Race differences in acceptance of cremation: Religion, Durkheim, and death in the African American community”
– Francesco Cerchiaro, Stef Aupers, and Dick Houtman, “Christian-Muslim couples in the Veneto region, northeastern Italy: Dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family life”
– Mark Jennings, “An extraordinary degree of exaltation: Durkheim, effervescence and Pentecostalism’s defeat of secularisation”
– Sam Han, “Disenchantment revisited: Formations of the ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ in the technological discourse of modernity”
– Anneke Pons-de Wit, Peter Versteeg, and Johan Roeland, “Contextual responses to interreligious encounters online”
– Jason Wollschleger, “Disengaged and indistinct: The subcultural identity of the Emerging Church Movement”

Publications (février)

– Jean Baubérot, Micheline Milot, Philippe Portier (dirs), Laïcité, laïcités. Reconfigurations et  nouveaux défis (Collection 54), Fondation MSH , 2015.


– Grace Davie, Religion in Britain: A Persistent Paradox, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

– Elisabeth Parmentier, Alain Roy (dir.), Croire hors les murs (Théologie Pratique – Pédagogie – Spiritualité), Berlin, Litt, 2014.


– François Foret, Religion and Politics in the European Union. The Secular Canopy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics), 2015.

– Massimo Rosati, The Making of a Postsecular Society: A Durkheimian Approach to Memory, Pluralism and Religion in Turkey, London, Ashgate (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory), 2015.


– Michael Többens, Schleichende Islamisierung? Religionsfreiheit versus Religionsausübungsfreiheit in Europa (Publications Universitaires Européennes 949), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main / New York, 2015.

Histoire des religions, Oslo

Le Institute of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), Université d’Oslo, offre deux postes de professeur associé en histoire des religions, l’un spécialisé en islam et pluralisme religieux en Europe, l’autre spécialisé en christianisme et processus de changement politiques et religieux. Deux postes en histoire culturelle et muséologie sont également offerts.

Religions et sécularisations dans le Caucase

Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Religions and Secularities in the Caucasus: New Configurations, Tbilisi, 1-2 juin 2015.

This international conference will be dedicated to the reconfiguration of the religious and the secular in both North and South Caucasus within a quarter of century since the collapse of Soviet Union. These years have witnessed, on the one hand, new forms of religiosity and religious instrumentalization in politics, and, on the other hand, the reshaping of the discourses and practices of secularity. As in other parts of the world, in the Caucasus, the “religious” and the “secular” came to be perceived as the two opposed ideological paradigms, while in practice the boundaries between them have been unfixed and movable, both in the public and the private spaces.
The State has been central in all these processes – we mean here independent states, autonomous republics of Russia, and the de-facto break-away states. The State determined the ways of using religion as a source of legitimation, thus promoting de-secularization; it sought ways of managing religious diversity; and it worked, at the same time, to redefine and to institutionalize secularity. The role of the State was therefore ambiguous, and this might attend to the frictions between various political elites. Yet this ambiguity also reflected the larger social developments “from below” animated by various actors and social groups, who served as agents of either revitalized religiosity or secularity, or a more complex combination of religious sensitivity with secular habitus.
The conference will look at changes of religious landscape in the Caucasus through the lens of the common Russian/Soviet legacy which largely defined the forms of both religion and secularity as they were shaped in the last decades. In spite of this common legacy, however, the developments have been very different in various parts of the region. The conference will also explore the relationship between the local processes and the larger regional or even global trends, in view of the growing interconnectedness that affect the Caucasian landscape.
The possible themes may include, among others:
Ø      Religion and secularity as resources of political legitimation and of Realpolitik;
Ø      Institutional arrangements of religion and religious diversity, and their evolution;
Ø      Legal pluralism accommodating religious traditions;
Ø      Regulation of religious presence in the public sphere;
Ø      Overlapping, partnership and conflicts between religious and public institutions (administration, education, etc.);
Ø      Differences of secular/religious divide on national and local levels;
Ø      Public debates about religion and secularity;
Ø      Traditional religious institutions and lay religious initiatives;
Ø      Faith-based organizations and movements as new agents in the civil society;
Ø      Transnational and international influences in shaping religion and secularity.
The disciplines welcomed are sociology, anthropology, political science and religious studies.
The deadline of submitting paper proposals (about 250-300 words accompanied by a short CV) is December 1st, 2014. The authors of accepted proposals will be notified by January 15th, 2015. Please send your proposals and queries to the conference email: