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Publications (septembre 2017, 2)

Les protestants 500 ans après la Réforme – Fidélité et liberté, Olivétan, 2017.


Lori G. Beaman, Deep Equality in an Era of Religious Diversity, Oxford University Press, 2017.


Christopher R. Cotter, Philip Andrew Quadrio, Jonathan Tuckett (dir.), New Atheism: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Debates, Springer “Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures”, 2017.


Karin Kittelmann Flensner, Discourses of Religion and Secularism in Religious Education Classrooms, Springer, 2017.



Etienne François, Thomas Serrier (dir.), Europa notre histoire, 2017.


Peter Hopkins (ed.), Scotland’s Muslims. Society, Politics and Identity, Edinburgh University Press, 2017.



Martin Jaime (dir.), Diversidad sexual y sistemas religiosos. Diálogos trasnacionales en el mundo contemporáneo/Sexual Diversity and Religious systems: Transnational dialogues in the contemporary world, URPLibros, 2017.


Andrew Johnson, If I Give My Soul: Faith Behind Bars in Rio de Janeiro, Oxford University Press, 2017.

Publications (avril 2017)

• Jean Baubérot, Marianne Carbonnier-Burkard, Histoire des protestants. Une minorité en France (XVIe-XXIe siècle), Paris, Ellipses, 2016.

• Rémy Bethmont, Martine Gross, Homosexualité et traditions monothéistes, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2017.



• Jérôme Gidoin, Les défunts à la pagode. La bouddhisation du culte des ancêtres chez les Vietnamiens de la région parisienne, Paris, L’Harmattan (Connaissance des hommes), 2017.


• Claude Hagege, Les religions, la parole et la violence, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2017.



• Haifaa G. Khalafallah, The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari’a is not Islamic Law, Equinox, 2017.



• Odile Moreau, La Turquie dans la Grande Guerre, de l’Empire ottoman à la République de Turquie, Paris, SOTECA, 2016.



• Michael Wilkinson and Peter Althouse, Pentecostals and the Body, Brill (Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 8), 2017.

Les pentecôtistes et le corps

Appel à contribution pour Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion volume 8, Pentecostals and the Body (à paraître 2017), sous la responsabilité de Michael Wilkinson (Trinity Western University, Canada) et Peter Althouse (Southeastern University, USA). DLC 30 juillet 2015. Continuer la lecture de « Les pentecôtistes et le corps »

Social Compass

Le dernier numéro de Social Compass (2015,2) vient de paraître.

– Julia Martínez-Ariño, Gloria García-Romeral, Gemma Ubasart-González, and Mar Griera, “Demonopolisation and dislocation: (Re-)negotiating the place and role of religion in Spanish prisons”
– Tom Buchanan and Paige Gabriel, “Race differences in acceptance of cremation: Religion, Durkheim, and death in the African American community”
– Francesco Cerchiaro, Stef Aupers, and Dick Houtman, “Christian-Muslim couples in the Veneto region, northeastern Italy: Dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family life”
– Mark Jennings, “An extraordinary degree of exaltation: Durkheim, effervescence and Pentecostalism’s defeat of secularisation”
– Sam Han, “Disenchantment revisited: Formations of the ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ in the technological discourse of modernity”
– Anneke Pons-de Wit, Peter Versteeg, and Johan Roeland, “Contextual responses to interreligious encounters online”
– Jason Wollschleger, “Disengaged and indistinct: The subcultural identity of the Emerging Church Movement”


 – Phillip Connor, Immigrant Faith. Patterns of Immigrant Religion in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, New York University Press, 2014.

 – Michael Cook, Ancient Religions, Modern Politics: The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective, Princeton University Press, 2014.

– Rauf Ceylan, Benjamin Jokisch (dir.), Salafismus in Deutschland. Entstehung, Radikalisierung und Prävention, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main / New York / Oxford, 2014 (Reihe für Osnabrücker Islamstudien 17).

– Peter Kivisto, Religion and Immigration: Migrant Faiths in North America and Western Europe, Wiley, 2014.


– Damien Mottier, Une ethnographie des pentecôtismes africains en France. Le temps des prophètes, Academia, 2014 (Espace Afrique 11).

– Roland Pfefferkorn, Alain Bihr, Dictionnaire des inégalités, Armand Colin, 2014.


– David Tittensor, The Gulen Movement and Islam’s Third Way. Oxford Press, 2014 (Religion and Global Politics).

Publications, février 2014

– Philippe Baud (dir.), Manger, voie spirituelle, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2014.

– Yannick Fer, Gwendoline Malogne-Fer, (dir.), Le protestantisme évangélique à l’épreuve des cultures, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2014.

Migration and Religion in Europe– Ester Gallo, Migration and Religion in Europe. Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences, Ashgate, 2014.

– Mark Jennings, Exaltation. Ecstatic Experience in Pentecostalism and Popular Music, New York / Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014.

– Irina Molodikova, Alan Watt, Growing Up in the North Caucasus: Society, Family, Religion and Education, Routledge, 2013.

– Christine Rodier, La question halal. Sociologie d’une consommation controversée, Paris, Puf, 2014.