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Contrat de recherche postdoctorale, culture et société arabe moderne

Le centre d’études du moyen-Orient de Brown University propose un contrat de recherche postdoctorale de deux ans sur la culture et la société arabe moderne.

Middle East Studies at Brown University invites applications for a two-year post-doctoral fellow in Modern Arab Culture and Society, with an emphasis on social movements and youth culture in a global context. The ideal candidate will be fluent in Arabic, have extensive field experience in the Arab world, and be familiar with global development and political discourses on modern movements in the Middle East and beyond.

As a significant new university initiative, Middle East Studies at Brown seeks to make knowledge production on the Middle East part of the DNA of Brown by creating partnerships across areas and disciplines. We encourage candidates able to work in an interdisciplinary environment and who deploy a range of methodologies in their research and teaching. The successful candidate will be housed at the relevant disciplinary department and/or at the Watson Institute.

In addition to pursuing their research, the successful candidate is expected to teach one course per semester. S/he will also participate in the regular Fellows’ Seminar at the Cogut Center for the Humanities, and interact with other units such as History, Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Religious Studies, Sociology, Media and Modern Culture, and Political Science.

The fellowship is offered through the Cogut Center for the Humanities and its Postdoctoral Fellowships in International Humanities. Fellows receive stipends of $52,000 and $54,080 in their first and second years, respectively, plus standard fellows’ benefits and a $2,000 per year research budget.

Applicants must have received their Ph.D. from an institution other than Brown within the last five years. This position begins on July 1, 2013. All candidates should submit a letter of application, a list of proposed courses, and a curriculum vitae as well as arrange for three letters of reference. Applications received by January 15, 2013 will receive full consideration, but the search will remain open until the position is closed or filled.

Please submit application materials on line at

Letters of application should be addressed to :

Professor Beshara Doumani

Director, Middle East Studies
Box 1970
Watson Institute for International Studies
Brown University
111 Thayer Street
Providence, RI 02912

Informal questions regarding the post should be addressed to Middle East Studies at

Brown is an EEO/AA employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Bourses de master et de doctorat au CASAW

Le Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW) de l’Université d’Edinburgh propose différentes bourses: une bourse de master et une bourse de doctorat d’un an, et une bourse de master de deux ans. Il s’agit d’aller étudier au CASAW un aspect du monde arabe, dans le champ de l’histoire, de la politique, de la religion, de l’anthropologie ou des relations internationales par exemple. Le dossier doit être déposé avant le 15 mai 2010, pour commencer en septembre 2010.

Des postes à l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient

L’IFPO (Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes) annonce l’ouverture de trois postes de chercheur à Damas, au sein du Département des études arabes, médiévales et modernes, et deux postes de chercheur à Amman, au sein du Département des études contemporaines. Ces deux derniers postes sont plus spécifiquement orientés vers les sciences sociales. Tous les renseignements sont sur le site de l’IFPO. La prise de fonction est pour septembre 2010; les candidatures doivent être déposées avant le 30 octobre 2009.