AAC pour un colloque Europe’s New Migrants: Marriage Practices and Policies, Université de Birmingham, 16-18 avril 2018. DLC 15 janvier 2018 Continuer la lecture de « Nouveaux migrants en Europe: pratiques et politiques des mariages »
Étiquette : Migration
Ecole d’été Europe: diversité et migration
Ecole d’été Europe: Diversity and Migration, Université d’Anvers, Belgique, 26 juin – 7 juillet 2017.
Publications (décembre 2016 2)
Allez, il est encore temps de (se) faire un cadeau de fin d’année:
• Céline Béraud, Solange Lefèbvre et E-Martin Meunier, Catholicisme et cultures. Regards croisés Québec-France. Boisbriand: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2015.
• Abby Day, Mia Lövheim, Modernities, Memory and Mutations. Grace Davie and the study of religion. Ashgate, 2015.
• Naïma El Makrini, Regards croisés sur les conditions d’une modernité arabo-musulmane: Mohammed Arkoun et Mohammed Al-Jabri, L’Harmattan Academia (Islams en changement), 2015.
• Susanna Snyder, Joshua Ralston and Agnes M. Brazal (ed.), Church in an Age of Global Migration. A Moving Body. Palgrave McMillan, 2015.
• Marie-Anne Valfort, Claire L. Adida, David D. Laitin, Why Muslim integration fails in Christian-heritage societies, Presses Universitaires d’Harvard, à paraître janvier 2016.
La mort en route
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Death on the Move: Managing narratives and constraints in transnational settings, 13-14 mars 2014, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbonne.
In spite of the interest that the recent status of Portugal as an immigration country arises and all the research that has been done, some important issues dealing with immigrant´s states of suffering and death, the “states of affliction” have hardly been dealt with. Death, in particular, remains a difficult but crucial aspect that has not been touched by the studies on migration.
How do immigrants perceive death and dying and incorporate them in their conceptualization of the diaspora? How do different immigrant groups conceptualize other groups´ suffering and death? How do the Portuguese look upon the death of the immigrants, a subject ever hardly spoken of and which raises a series of prejudices and mystifications?
In a western society where death has become a major taboo, and is thought of as something that only happens to the others, this estrangement towards life´s last rite of passage moves on to the realm of myth and prejudices that affect immigrants in Portugal, and the invisibility of death becomes a true reality. Yet, for immigrants themselves, it is a reality that often conditions the relation with the home country. Death is thus here looked upon not as a moment in time but as a process, which involves specific emotional states and triggers the use of rituals in order to cope with the unavoidable distress, acquiring more complicated aspects when away from home.
This two days conference pretends to analyze the multiple levels that death touches upon, from the symbolic to the more practical ones. Death is one realm in which a transnational approach is mandatory—along with critical debate on the meaning of “transnational” and its manifold features. It entails an intense circulation of material goods and wealth, but also of highly symbolic significant universes which circulate along with the goods and the people: the corpse, but also the spirits and the relations with the other world that people brought along into the diaspora situation. Trapped in a condition of liminality, part of two worlds — the home grounds and the novel territory they try to adapt to—, wishing for a justification to go home, it is often death that triggers the movement: either the death of someone here and the body that has to be sent back or the death of someone dear back home.
Such circulation luxury becomes real through solidarity movements based on associations of migrants or some type of intra-groups solidarity.
The seminar will have a double format. On the one hand, several of the researchers on the research project “The invisibility of death among migrants in Portugal” ((PTDC/CS-ANT/102862/2008) will present their findings on the project. We will also have some invited guest lecturers. For the time being, we are counting on the participation of several specialists on the Anthropology of death and ritual, such as Maurice Bloch (London School of Economics), Eric Gable (University of Mary Washington) and Peter Metcalf (University of Virginia). But we want to open the seminar to the dialogue with other fellow colleagues who are interested on the subject. We therefore welcome a restricted numbers of papers that will allow us to compare the Portuguese case with other research done on the topic of immigrants terminal diseases and death. These papers, which we plan to later on edit on a joint volume to be published by Cambridge Press may address issues of the deconstruction of prejudiced notions of what happens with the immigrants´ dead bodies; symbolic representations of immigrants death; practical issues, such as legal processes involved to send the bodies home; other issues of the trans nationalization of death; special studies on attitudes towards death and rituals in specific ethnographic contexts. We will accept papers centered on ethnography as well as more theoretical ones.
Please send your proposals (max 300 words, with a short bionote) by December 7th to
The accepted papers will be notified by December 20th.
Intégrer la foi
Le dernier numéro de International Migration (51-3, juin 2013) porte sur Incorporating Faith: Religion and Immigrant Incorporation in the West.
Au sommaire:
– “God Can Wait – New Migrants in Germany Between Early Adaptation and Religious Reorganization”, Claudia Diehl et Matthias Koenig
– “God Bless Our Children? The Role of Generation, Discrimination and Religious Context for Migrants in Europe”, Koen Van der Bracht, Bart Van de Putte et Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe
– “Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience Among Immigrant Families in Four European Countries”, Konstanze Jacob et Frank Kalter
– “Piety in a Secular Society: Migration, Religiosity, and Islam in Britain”, Valerie A. Lewis et Ridhi Kashyap
– “Intermarriage Attitudes Among Minority and Majority Groups in Western Europe: The Role of Attachment to the Religious In-Group”, Sarah Carol
– “Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities”, Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt, Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky et Casey Clevenger
– “Religion as A Context of Reception: The Case of Haitian Immigrants in Miami, Montreal and Paris”, Margarita A. Mooney
Publications – avril 2013 suite
– Lionel Obadia, La marchandisation de Dieu. L’économie religieuse. Paris, CNRS Edition, 2013 (Philosophie et histoire des idées).
– Tuomas Martikainen, Religion, Migration, Settlement. Reflections on Post-1990 Immigration to Finland, Leiden, Brill, 2013.
– Irene Becci, Marian Burchardt et José Casanova, Topographies of Faith. Religion in Urban Spaces, Brill, 2013.
– Anna Fedele et Kim Knibbe, Gender and Power in Contemporary Spirituality. Ethnographic Approaches, Routledge, 2013.
– Michalis Lianos, Dangerous Others, Insecure Societies. Fear and Social Division, Ashgate, 2013.
Eglises orthodoxes
Dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de European Association for the Sociology of Religion (EASR), un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un panel sur les Eglises orthodoxes. Date limite de candidature 15 mai 2013.
Religion, migration, mutation
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour le 12ème colloque annuel de European Association for the Study of Religions Religion, migration, mutation, Liverpool Hope University, 3-6 septembre 2013. Date limite de candidature 1er juin 2013.
Sciences sociales en histoire
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour le 10ème colloque de European Social Science History, Vienne, 23-26 avril 2014. Date limite de candidature 15 mai 2013. Le colloque rassemble plusieurs réseaux, dont un consacré aux questions de religion.
De plus, l’un des plus importants des réseaux de l’ESSHC est consacré aux questions de migration. Cette année, leur appel à contribution évoque explicitement la thématique migration et religion.
Europe, migration et culture
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Crossroads – Europe, Migration and Culture, Université de Copenhague, 24-25 octobre 2013. Date limite de candidature 31 janvier 2013.
(N.B.:Les frais ne sont pas pris en charge pour les intervenants, et une participation de 50 euros est demandée.)