AAC pour un colloque du groupe de travail “Religious Cultures in 19th and 20th-Century Europe”, Religion and Transnational Religious Discourses: Globality Construction and Resistance, Rome, 21-22 juin 2018. DLC 28 février 2018.
Étiquette : Discours religieux
Les Églises et la conjugalité contemporaine
Colloque Les Églises face aux évolutions contemporaines de la conjugalité, 22-23 mars 2017, Strasbourg.
Corps, religion et diversité
Colloque Corps, religion et diversité, Strasbourg, 30 septembre-1er octobre 2015.
Religions en compétition, identité et espace
Appel à contribution pour un colloque Contending Religions, Identities and Space. Living together in contemporary Africa and Europe, Université de Macerata (Italie), 12-13 novembre 2015. DLC 14 juillet 2015.
Migration, foi, action
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Migration, Faith, and Action: Shifting The Discourse, University of Oxford, 8-9 mai 2014.
In a time when globalization emphasizes the free flow of ideas, goods, and capital, migration appears at the forefront of political agendas in many countries around the world. Discussions on migration tend to focus
on the economy, emphasizing the protection of the working class and the attraction of highly skilled migrants; on national identity, emphasizing nationalism and “us versus them” sentiments; and on national security, emphasizing protection from external threats. Economists, politicians, and media outlets primarily shape the discussions around migration, while religious and faith traditions play, at best, a marginal role in defining the discourse.
The conference will explore two themes:
1. Faith: What discourses do faith traditions provide surrounding migration?
2. Action: What is the role of faith communities and faith-based organizations in the complex landscape of migration?
We encourage submissions that reflect on the following related items, among others:
● What narratives do the theological and faith traditions have about migration, migrants, and those who receive them?
● Does the blessed life, does the good life, involve migrating orreceiving migrants?
● What practices prevail now in the theological traditions regarding migration?
● Which values or specific attitudes should prevail regarding migration?
● How are narratives from faith traditions manifest in the world through the projects and programs of faith-based organizations?
● Could a fresh way of speaking or discourse generate new approaches to migration in law and policy?
The first day of the conference will feature a documentary screening and discussion with Norma Romero, a member of “Las Patronas”, Mexico’s 2013 National Human Rights Award winners.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit abstracts (300 words max) with title to migrationfaithaction@gmail.com with “Migration, Faith, and Action” as the subject line by 15 March 2014. If you have any questions please contact the organizers, Robert Heimburger, Alejandro Olayo-Méndez, Lena Wettach, Paul Kellner, at migrationfaithaction@gmail.com.
Please note: Travel funding for this conference is the responsibility of participants.
La religion comme ressource
Un appel à contribution et à bourses d’étude est ouvert pour une école d’été Religion as resource: local and global discourses, 18-20 juillet 2014, Tübingen.
Religion, savoir, discours
Humboldt-Universität de Berlin offre des bourses de recherche doctorales dans le cadre du programme Religion – Wissen – Diskurse.
Bourses de doctorat, Berlin
EUME (Europe in the Middle East — The Middle East in Europe), Berlin, propose 10 bourses de recherche doctorale. Date limite de candidature 15 janvier 2014.
Discours et pratiques politiques et culturelles en islam
Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour un colloque Islamism versus Post-Islamism? Mapping topographies of Islamic political and cultural practices and discourses, Frankfurt (Allemagne), 13-15 décembre 2013.
Lire et interpréter
Anne-Laure Zwilling (dir.), Lire et interpréter. Les religions et leurs rapports aux textes fondateurs, Genève, Labor et Fides (Religions et modernité), 2013.