Appel à candidature pour un postdoctorat d’un an en Islamologie dans le cadre du programme de recherche “Islamologie” au Labex Resmed (financé par le projet “Islam, religion et société” Ministère de l’Intérieur et par le Labex). DLC 8 avril 2016.
Étiquette : Contrat de recherche
Contrat de recherche postdoctoral religions d’Asie du Sud, Göttingen
Un contrat de recherche postoctoral est offert à Georg-August Université de Göttingen, Centre for Modern Indian Studies: South Asian Studies with a Focus on Religion.
Contrat de recherche, Woolf Institute
Les candidatures sont ouvertes pour le poste de chercheur invité du Woolf Institute, spécialisé dans l’étude des relations entre juifs, chrétiens et musulmans. Date limite de candidature 24 janvier 2014.
Postes à Leiden et Münich
Un poste d’enseignant en littérature et culture arabes, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, Faculty of Humanities (38 h par semaine); un contrat de recherche postdoctorale en indianisme / études bouddhistes au Ludwig-Maximilians Institute for Indian and Tibetan Studies de l’Université de Münich.
Contrat postdoctoral, islam, Bayreuth
Le Department of Religious Studies, Université de Bayreuth offre un contrat de recherche postdoctoral comme responsable d’une équipe de recherche junion Contemporary Islamic Cultures.
Contrats doctoraux, Strasbourg
Les écoles doctorales de droit, science politique et histoire et de sciences humaines et sociales de l’Université de Strasbourg proposent des contrats de recherche doctorale. Il est possible de candidater hors des sujets proposés.
Poste de recherche, études musulmanes, Erlangen-Nürnberg
Le départment d’études religieuses musulmanes de Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ouvre un poste poste d’assistant de recherche.
Contrats de recherche postdoctorale, Bochum
Deux contrats de recherche postdoctorale sont proposés au Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe”, Ruhr University Bochum, Allemagne (avril 2013 à mars 2014): histoire des religions d’Asie centrale, et histoire des religions du Proche-orient ancien.
Bourse de recherche Cambridge Muslim College
Le Cambridge Muslim College offre un contrat de recherche postdoctorale.
Post of Research Fellow to be based at the College’s facility in Cambridge, United Kingdom, for one academic year with effect from 1 November 2012.The College seeks an outstanding candidate who is engaged in innovative, robust and world-class research who will make a major contribution to the College’s intellectual life. During his or her appointment at the College the post-holder will be expected to complete a significant research project, preferably taking the form of three articles for peer-reviewed publications, or the preparation of a monograph. The College is especially interested in post-doctoral students with a specialisation in Islamic Studies, interfaith relations, or British Muslim studies.
In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to offer a maximum of six lectures, participate in seminars and attend the College’s public lectures on behalf of the College.
The successful applicant will be expected to begin on 1st November 2012 and the post will continue to 31st October 2013. Applicants must have completed a PhD in a relevant discipline by the start date for this post, and must demonstrate a commitment to the aims and ethos of the College. The Research Fellow will be given access to the College’s library, office space and equipment, and administrative support. The successful applicant will be remunerated at a rate of £29,133 per annum. The College has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
The deadline for applications to be received at the College is 10.00am, 2nd July 2011.
Applicants should submit a covering letter, a personal statement, curriculum vitae and two sealed letters of recommendation (including one from a thesis supervisor). The personal statement should describe the ambitions and interests of the applicant, should include a synopsis of the PhD and an outline of the research project or projects that the applicant would undertake during the period of engagement. Inclusion of published work would be an advantage.
Applications should be submitted by post to:
Cambridge Muslim College,
14 St Paul’s Road,
CB1 2EZ.
The Cambridge Muslim College is an equal opportunities employer.
Further particulars may be obtained from Atif Imtiaz:
Contrats doctoraux ResMed
Le Laboratoire d’excellence RESMED Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen du PRES Sorbonne Université lance un appel à candidatures pour trois contrats doctoraux de trois ans et quatre contrats postdoctoraux d’un an à partir de septembre 2012.