Un appel à contribution est ouvert pour le colloque organisé par Society, Religion and Belief et Identity, Culture and Representation, centres de recherche de l’Université de Derby, sur Nationalism, Identity and Belief Symposium, 25 mars 2013. Date limite de candidature 19 décembre 2012.
Keynote speaker: Daniel Trilling author of Bloody Nasty People: The Rise of Britain’s Far Right (London: Verso, 2012), assistant editor The New Statesman, columnist for The Guardian.
The complexities and contradictions of globalized modes of identity have caused a reassessment of what constitutes national identity and how it is experienced. In late modernity there is a tendency for nationalism to be characterised as a reactive and reactionary response to the increasing cultural diversity evident in many Western societies. The British National Party and, latterly, the English Defence League typify this tendency. In continental Europe there are comparable groupings but many continental equivalents have demonstrated a greater capacity for organisation and have enjoyed a modicum of success in terms of parliamentary elections at national and European level: in France, the Front National; the Belgian/Flemish Vlaams Balang; the Danish Danske Folkparti; Jobbik in Hungary, The Golden Dawn in Greece and so on. The fortunes of these parties wax and wane but their social and media presence is constant. This symposium is a call to academics and activists to consider the ongoing appeal of nationalism, its cultural role, its strategies, localities and nature. We seek to explore the lure and repulsion of nationalism to its friends and critics and the many and varied cultural contexts through which it is reproduced.
Papers are invited to be considered for presentation in one of two parallel panels. Typical themes for the panels will include but are not
limited to: Panel One: Nationalism, Identity and Conflict
– The organisation and activities of nationalist groups
– The appeal of nationalism
– Nationalism in crisis
– Banal nationalism
– Rethinking national identity
– The cultures of nationalism
Panel Two: Nationalism, Religion and Belief
– Nationalist rhetoric and the world faiths
– ‘The chosen people’ and globalization
– Spiritual nationalisms
– Subcultures and nationalist discourse
– Considering nationalism as a faith
Please submit a 250 word proposal and a bio-note by 19 December, 2012 to Andrew Wilson (a.f.wilson@derby.ac.uk); Jason Lee (j.lee@derby.ac.uk); and Frauke Uhlenbruch (f.uhlenbruch@derby.ac.uk)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Laure Zwilling (8 novembre 2012). Nationalisme, identité et croyances. sociorel. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ucuf