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Bourses de master, Kent

La School of European Culture and Languages, Université de Kent, offre des bourses d’étude de master et doctorat en études religieuses.

These include the MA’s in Theory and Method in the Study of Religion, in the Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience, and in Applied Theology, as well the PhD in Religious Studies. 

Based within this School, the Department of Religious Studies has particular expertise in the study of contemporary religion from a range of disciplinary perspectives, with current areas of interest including religion and globalization, religious subjectivities, religion and media, religion, gender and sexuality, religion and material culture, theoretical approaches to the study of religion, and the cultural sociological study of the sacred. The Department offers an excellent training environment for its postgraduate students, including intensive methodology training, a regular theory seminar, and additional seminars and workshops that develop students’ awareness of broader debates in the field as well as providing opportunities for doctoral students to receive feedback on their work from senior scholars. Further information on the Department’s postgraduate provision is available at

The studentships offered for 2012 entry include two full fees and two partial fees studentships at MA level, and seven PhD studentships (three covering fees at Home/EU rates plus a maintenance grant/salary of £13,590 per annum, and four covering fees at Home/EU rates plus a maintenance grant/salary of £7,800 per annum). Further details of these studentships are available at

Applicants should have an outstanding previous academic record, and have received an unconditional offer for autumn 2012 entry to study at Kent by the deadline for applications. The deadline for applications for the PhD graduate teaching assistantships is 24 February 2012, with the deadline for applications for the MA studentships to be confirmed.

 Further enquiries about postgraduate opportunities in Religious Studies at Kent may be made to Professor Gordon Lynch:

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Anne-Laure Zwilling (23 janvier 2012). Bourses de master, Kent. sociorel. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse