Un appel à contribution est lancé pour la conférence annuelle de la British Association for the Study of Religions, Borders, Boundaries and Transgressions: within and between religions, Université de Winchester (Royaume-Uni), 5-7 September 2012.
Scholars of religion and religions are invited to submit paper proposals related to the topic. The question of what religion is, whether there is such a thing, and, if so, what may constitute the borders and boundaries are matters of dispute. Papers exploring these topics, broadly conceived, including discussions of transgressions, whether within or between traditions or the conceptualization of the debates, are welcome.
Proposals in form of title, short abstract (300 words max.) and a brief biographical statement, including affiliation should be sent, by Friday 1st June 2012, to: Dr Paul Hedges, BASR Conference, Theology & Religious Studies, University of Winchester, SO22 4NR, UK, paul.hedges@winchester.ac.uk
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Laure Zwilling (15 janvier 2012). Frontières, limites, transgressions. sociorel. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ucio