Le Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue lance un appel à contribution pour un numéro spécial sur Religion et révolution (envoyer les résumés avant le 1 Septembre 2011).
What makes a revolution? Every case is unique. Popular uprising may be spontaneous – the explosive flames of an already primed and oiled wick – or it may be long-awaited and slow to spark. Careful analysis can often find common factors behind revolutions that tell us how humans organize, dream, and express those dreams in collective action. Informed by arguments that see religion as Marx’s “opiate of the masses,” scholars have long given far more attention to the economic and political factors of revolution than to the religious, but as long as humans have rebelled against oppressive forces, faith has informed the battle.
Whether it is the most potent force behind a large-scale paradigm shift, as in the Protestant Reformation, or a more subtle part of people’s yearning for freedom, the role of religion in revolutionary movements must be examined. Recent events such as the uprisings in the Middle East and Africa cannot be ignored, but we need not limit our exploration to the contemporary.
The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue seeks articles from students and scholars of history and religion that trace both the subtle and overt relationships between religion and revolution. Case-studies are particularly welcome, but pieces with broader focuses will also be considered.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: http://irdialogue.org/submissions/
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Laure Zwilling (19 juillet 2011). Religion et révolution. sociorel. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ucdn