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Professeur associé – études religieuse – Norvège

Un poste de professeur associé en histoire religieuse est ouvert au Department of Archaeology and Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),Trondheim, Novège. Il s’agit d’enseigner l’histoire des religions de façon générale, avec une emphase sur le Moyen Orient contemporain et le judaïsme. Date limite de candidature 15 avril 2011.

The applicant must document competence in academic research with focus on one or more of the religions of the Middle East, a general competence for teaching History of Religion at all levels, including religions as well as the methods and theories of the discipline, and the ability to develop coursework for the discipline as a whole. At the department, History of Religion has a profile stressing contemporary studies. The holder of the position will be responsible for teaching Judaism. In making the appointment emphasis will be placed on the candidate’s pedagogical skills. The evaluation of these skills will be based on documented pedagogical material, including pedagogical education and/or training, the presentation of relevant academic work, experience from supervising masters-level students and doctoral candidates, and teaching, along with other relevant pedagogical qualifications. The evaluation will consider both the quality and the scope. Interest in and experience with participation in the dissemination of research will be emphasized.
Academic staff without a formal pedagogical qualification in university-level teaching, and who are unable to document equivalent qualifications, are required within two years of taking up the appointment, successfully to complete a recognized course that provides a pedagogical qualification in university-level teaching. The university offers such courses.
Applicants who have been short-listed will be interviewed and will be
invited to demonstrate their pedagogical ability, usually by means of a
trial lecture.
The person appointed will be required to abide by the regulations that
govern changes and developments within the discipline, and to follow the requirements of all organizational changes that decisions relating to
the university’s activities may involve.
It is demanded that the appointee settles so that he/she can participate in activities at the department and have office space at NTNU.
Newly-employed staff in academic positions who are not already fluent in a Scandinavian language must within three years obtain knowledge of
Norwegian or another Scandinavian language at an equivalent standard to level three in the “Norwegian for Foreigners” courses provided by the
Department of Language and Communication Studies. The University will
make it possible for the person appointed to attend such a course.
The appointment will be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. It is policy within the state sector that employees should come From backgrounds that reflect as fully as possible the diversity of the population at large. The state has accordingly set the goal of a workforce whose composition reflects that of the population at large with regard to age and gender. It has also set itself the goal of recruiting employees with an immigrant
background, and such individuals are encouraged to apply for this post.
You will have the opportunity for having your name kept from public
access. If you require this, you must give information about why this is
important. Even if you request public acceptance, it will be considered
in relation to the Open File Act. If your name will not be kept from
public access, you will be informed and get the chance to withdraw your application. The position is remunerated according to salary levels 57 to 76, with gross salary from NOK 448 200 to NOK 643 500 a year. Two percent of gross salary is deducted and paid into the State Pension scheme.
Further details about the position can be obtained from Head of
Department Asbj=3DF8rn Dyrendal, tel. + 47 73 59 65 85, e-mail:
Applicants are asked to provide details of their pedagogical
qualifications in accordance with the relevant guidelines
(“Documentation of an applicant=3D92s pedagogical qualifications”) which
can be downloaded from the following Internet address:

The application must contain information about education, exams and
previous employment. Certified copies of certificates and testimonials
must be submitted.
Applicants must within the application deadline submit:
– 3 sets of their Academic work – published or unpublished – that has
relevance to the evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications by the
evaluation committee (not more than 10 such submissions).
– A description of all the academic work that the applicant feels is
most significant and that he/she feels the evaluation committee should
pay particular attention to.
– A list of all publications with bibliographical references. Joint work
will be evaluated. If it is difficult to identify the contributions from
individuals in a joint piece of work, applicants should enclose a short
descriptive summary of what he/she contributed to the work.
The application should be marked with the file number for the position
(HF 11-010) and be submitted electronically via
Scientific works should be sent directly to the Norwegian University Of
Science and Technology, Faculty of Humanities, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Anne-Laure Zwilling (1 mars 2011). Professeur associé – études religieuse – Norvège. sociorel. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse