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Religion et désinformation

AAC pour un colloque Religion and Disinformation, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes (Royaume-Uni), 20-21 janvier 2025. DLC 30 octobre 2024.

 Disinformation poses a real threat to democracy, and recent years have seen religious organisations playing significant roles in both propagating and resisting it. Nonetheless, the role of religious organisations as information actors remains chronically understudied, and what is more, research consistently shows that labelling ‘disinformation’ is not as effective at addressing it as sensitive engagement with the topic and the often emotive reasons that it appeals to particular communities.

This workshop will bring together inter-disciplinary work that examines the informational role of religion and religious organisations across the globe, as well as the social impacts and responses that it engenders. We aim to publish the workshop papers in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.

The Democracy, Disinformation and Religion project invites abstracts on religion and disinformation from scholars in any discipline for this funded workshop. The following list of themes is indicative, but not exhaustive:

  • Conceptual treatments of the relationship between religion or religious organisations and (counter)disinformation and/or historical revisionism
  • Empirical case studies of religious organisations’ or religious communities’ engagements with disinformation in general, or with specific topics of disinformation
  • Comparative case studies of religious organisations’ or religious communities’ engagement with (counter-)disinformation
  • Work on the theology of (counter-)disinformation

Please send 250-word abstracts and a short biography to & by Wednesday 30th October.

Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 4th November. Full draft papers of up to 7,000w will be due by Friday 10th January.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
A.-L. Zwilling (1 octobre 2024). Religion et désinformation. sociorel. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

Auteur/autrice : A.-L. Zwilling

Ingénieure de recherche CNRS hors classe HdR, coresponsable de l'équipe Religions et pluralisme de l'unité mixte de recherche "Droit, religion, entreprise et société" (UMR 7354, CNRS/Université de Strasbourg). Directrice, notamment, du projet international EUREL, informations sur l'état juridique et sociologique des religions en Europe (