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Bourse d’étude, Parkes Institute (Southampton)

AAC pour deux bourses invités au Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, Southampton.

The Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewis/non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton is delighted to once again invite applications for two visiting fellows to take up temporary positions at the Parkes Institute.

This year’s theme is ‘Jewish Economic History from Antiquity to the Present Day’, with a particular focus on Jewish/non-Jewish relations. We welcome applications from scholars at any stage of their career, working on topics related to Jewish economic history, culture, and heritage/memory. Special consideration will be given to applications that demonstrate engagement with the Parkes Library and Jewish archives at the University of Southampton. Scholars should have completed their PhD and be affiliated to a non-UK institution.

The fellowships are for at least one month and up to two months, and will provide up to £2,500 to cover travel, accommodation and living expenses. The fellowships are offered for the first semester and should be taken up between October and December, 2023, with as much overlap as possible between the two fellows. Please indicate your availability in your application.

The Parkes Institute will provide access to the Parkes Library and Special Collections, as well as to a working space and university facilities. We can also provide support for visa applications where needed.

Fellows will be based in Southampton and are expected to attend Parkes events (such as the Tuesday evening research seminars and Wednesday afternoon doctoral seminars) and to participate in the intellectual life of the Institute. Fellows will be asked either to deliver a seminar paper or to present their work to students in the form of a teaching session or master class.


Please send a CV and a proposal (up to 700-words) to Professor Joachim Schlör at, outlining your research project, methodology, reasons why the Parkes Institute is an appropriate venue for you to conduct your research and your plan for the fellowship including projected outcome.

The deadline for applications is 3rd May 2023.

A list of past scholars and fellows can be seen here.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
A.-L. Zwilling (23 février 2023). Bourse d’étude, Parkes Institute (Southampton). sociorel. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

Auteur/autrice : A.-L. Zwilling

Ingénieure de recherche CNRS hors classe HdR, coresponsable de l'équipe Religions et pluralisme de l'unité mixte de recherche "Droit, religion, entreprise et société" (UMR 7354, CNRS/Université de Strasbourg). Directrice, notamment, du projet international EUREL, informations sur l'état juridique et sociologique des religions en Europe (