AAC pour comité 22, sociologie des religions, pour le 4e forum de sociologie de International Sociological Association: Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality, Porto Alegre (Brésil), 14-18 juillet 2020.
Liste des sessions concernées:
- Beyond Western Centrism of Religion: To Study Africa Inspired Religions in the 21st Century
- Civil Society and Religion
- Culture, Religion, and Gender Inequality
- Early Career Sociologists of Religion Session
- Overlapping Trajectories: Religion, Migration and Health Paths.
- Religion and Practical Ethics: Bioethics, Environmental Ethics and Legal Ethics
- Religion, Environment, and Social Movements
- Religion, Spirituality and Morality in a Post-Secular Age
- Religions, Social Movements and Politics Circulation, Production and Politics of Knowledge in the “Christianisms of Liberation” and Its Adversaries
- Religiosity in Transition; Change of Roles Over the Time
- Religious Dynamics in the Public Sphere in Latin America
- Revisiting ‘religion’ from a Gender Perspective
- The Public Role of Religion
- The Reciprocal Influence of Religion and Demography
- Where Is Religion in Popular Religion? New Approaches for an Old Debate
- Wtf? (“What the Faith?”) – Peering Anew into the Conceptual Domains of “Religion”, “God”, “Spirituality”, “Faith” and Related Constructs
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
A.-L. Zwilling (20 août 2019). Forum ISA. sociorel. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/uerh